While visiting the Sideshow Booth at New York Comic Con taking a look at their beautiful upcoming releases (which I will be covering soon here at PopVinyls.com and at DisKingdom.com), when I came across the Unruly Industries line of designer toys. Featuring both licensed properties and original designs, let’s a take a look at what Sideshow had at their booth.
Marvel Designer Toys
Iron Man
DC Comics Designer Toys
Batman Calavera
The Joker Calavera
Harley Quinn Calavera
Monster Inspired Designer Toys
Bat Brain
Spare Parts
Fur Ball
Fish Face
Crabthulu: Terror of the Deep!
Wrath of Wormzilla!
Invasion of BeheMOTH!
If you are interested in adding any of these pieces to your designer toy collection, you can either order or pre-order them over at the Sideshow Collectibles website.
Living in the NYC area, Travis has grown up loving a multitude of things, from Disney to Broadway to the fine arts... and beyond. You can find him rambling on from time to time on PopVinyls.com, DisKingdom, and VinylmationKingdom.com as Feature Editor. He also runs the Vinylmation Kingdom Custom Swaps and is the Press Reporter for such events like the NY Toy Fair and New York Comic Con. Additionally, he is also an amateur puppeteer, avid movie goer, and carries his camera around wherever he goes.