Tomorrow is Election Day here in the US, and with it comes the election of our next President. To celebrate, last week I took Funko’s “Campaign 2016: Road to the White House” trio of Pop! Vinyls with me down to Washington, DC for a few pictures in front of a couple of iconic buildings in our nation’s capital. With me were Hilary Clinton (Democratic nominee) and Donald Trump (Republican nominee), as well as Bernie Sanders, who lost the Democratic primary to Clinton. First stop was the US Capitol Building, where both Clinton served as Senator, and where Sanders served as a member of the House and is currently a Senator.



Next up was The White House. President Obama was not there (he was stumping in North Carolina that day), so the fence line directly south of the residence was open to the public. While it’s not the closest photo opportunity of the building, construction on the north side made that location impossible for anything decent.


The construction on the north side of the building did provide a fun shot of Clinton and Trump being kept out of The White House, as neither of them are “authorized” yet.


Throughout the photo shoot, a lot of bystanders were excited about seeing these Pop! Vinyls out and about in Washington, DC. And while there were a few protesters out and about demonizing one candidate or another with less than a week before the election, all in all around the city there was a sense of patriotism from Americans visiting the sites, and appreciation of our nation from foreigners here on vacation.

With that being said, I am not going to endorse anyone here, nor invite comments as such. That is not the place for this. Rather, I urge anyone here in the US who is registered to vote to learn about the candidates and issues (both national and local) that you can vote on, and go and vote tomorrow. It’s too late to actually register to vote, but for more information on polling places, what’s on your ballot, and more, Rock the Vote is a pretty great website to visit.

Happy Election Day everyone!

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By Travis Denman

Living in the NYC area, Travis has grown up loving a multitude of things, from Disney to Broadway to the fine arts... and beyond. You can find him rambling on from time to time on, DisKingdom, and as Feature Editor. He also runs the Vinylmation Kingdom Custom Swaps and is the Press Reporter for such events like the NY Toy Fair and New York Comic Con. Additionally, he is also an amateur puppeteer, avid movie goer, and carries his camera around wherever he goes.

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