When Funko announces a new line of figures, fans audibly or silently cheer (depending on their location), gobble up information, and set their favorite glam shot as their desktop or phone background. Along with the common releases are often exclusives that one can find at a particular store – just look at the new wave of Harry Potter figures. This often proves to be both a blessing and a curse for fans. Exclusives mean that they have to spend more time locating these figures and more money to pay for them. But once you’ve acquired an exclusive, there is a certain pride you feel for not only adding to your collection, but of conquering the exclusivity hurdle.


There’s something about the word “exclusive” that is a bit hypnotizing. If we’re being honest, it’s a snooty word that nonetheless makes us want to be a part of that club. It also brings to mind a certain measure of prestige and you may feel like to own an exclusive figure makes you one of the collecting elite. There is certainly some truth in that mentality, for exclusives by definition can’t be found just anywhere. You’ve got to go that extra mile.


But does an exclusive figure mean it’s better than a common one? Character designs and poses are subjective, of course, but is one figure more special or more of a rarity solely because it is an exclusive? As far as I know, in most instances “exclusive” is not synonymous for “limited edition”. That being said, it’s unlikely that Fugitive Toys or Gemini Collectibles gets an unlimited supply of their exclusives. The price tag for an exclusive is almost always higher than a non-exclusive, so does that automatically make it more valuable?


What do YOU think about exclusives? Are they the cherry on top or a thorn in your side?


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