Even though San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) is just under 2 months away, companies and fans are starting to gear up for the always exciting “convention exclusive”. There is no company that is better at teasing their fans that TITAN Merchandise and if their past releases are any indication, this year will be good! Here are some of my predictions of what they may be releasing to the public at SDCC/convention exclusives:
3″ Figure Collections
Doctor Who: Rebel Time Lord
Not so much a prediction, but more of a stated fact by TITAN Merchandise. “Rebel Time Lord” will be the 7th series in the Doctor Who line, which put TITAN Merchandise on the map! TITAN has already been teasing fans with photos of Missy, the Foretold, the 12th Doctor (The Caretaker Costume) and Cyber-Danny. Bonus points for sharp eyed fans as there have been teases of a spacesuit 12 and translucent Cyberman chase figure.
If you haven’t pre-ordered through Entertainment Earth or Forbidden Planet, do so right now since this collection will be very popular and hard to find once they are released. Being the king of teases, TITAN Merchandise already released a 4.5″ Ecto-1 figure for those who signed up with Nerdblock. Titan has also released a number of photos from toy fairs to get fans more excited than Gozer terror dog chasing Louis Tully!
Within the last week, TITAN has been posting at least one photo a day from this new set! Blowing fans away with Moriarty in a crown, the Holmes boys together and even a photo of the 12th Doctor and Sherlock, I feel that this set will make an appearance to the public at SDCC.
6″ or bigger collection
Breaking Bad – The Crystal Ship: When recently asked by a fan on their Facebook page about larger Breaking Bad figures, TITAN stated, “They are coming, for sure! 6″ will be up soon! Watch this space!” I can easily see a 6″ or even 8″ Crystal Ship being released as a SDCC exclusive.
Ghostbusters – Stay Puft Marshmallow Man: Need I really say ANY more?!
Doctor Who – Pyrovile: Now this one is my personal recommendation to Titan. For those who are familiar with the series, they are Romanesque looking fire warriors from the “Fires of Pompeii” episode with 10 and Donna (as well as Karen Gillian and Peter Capaldi before their famous characters). The overall look of the Pyrovile would fit the Titan figure perfectly and translucent red vinyl could make that fire look really come alive.
Seeing how these are just predictions though, there are no guarantees and only time will tell what TITAN Merchandise has hidden up their sleeves! All I know is you should keep checking back here to the latest and most up to date information from Titan!
What collections/figures do you predict or would like to see at SDCC 2015? Sound off below!