If you are a big Michael J. Fox fan like myself then you’re going to go ga ga over this next custom! I remember watching all of the Teen Wolf movies as a kid and wishing I could be a werewolf lol! Yeah I was a weird kid, but I bet some of you secretly wanted to be one too. This custom made by Kasey King brings back memories. It makes me want to sit down with a big bag of popcorn or nachos, a huge soda and get my marathon on. I have been thinking about doing a few Teen Wolf customs myself, so I had to know what inspired Kasey to create this amazing custom and how she did it. Here is what she had to say…
So what inspired you to come up with the idea for this sweet piece?
I only collect certain sets of pops, such as ghostbusters and the horror set. Mostly things that remind me of my childhood and my favorite movies from that time. I wanted to attempt my first custom and thought of a few of my favorite movies from my childhood. Teen Wolf was always a favorite of mine and I thought it would be fairly simple to make. Besides…who doesn’t love Michael J. Fox?

Indeed, so what Pop’s and paints did you use to create the custom?
I used the head from the Marty McFly pop and the body from a Stan Lee pop. I used Craft Smart Acrylic Satin Paint to paint the custom.
You put some nice detail into this custom I love the hands and the Teen Wolf writing on his shirt. How long did it take you to complete it?
From start to finish it took me about 5 hours to do. I know I shouldn’t have rushed through it but I was so excited to finally make it!
I know this is your first custom do you have any plans for future customs?
As of right now I have plans to make another teen wolf custom. The version of him as the wolf in the basketball uniform. After I finish the next Teen Wolf custom I was thinking about doing a Bill and Ted set.

Awesome that would be crazy dope I always wanted to see that version of Teen Wolf in Pop form and I love Bill & Ted! Great ideas will you be doing commissions? Is this one for sale?
This particular piece I will be keeping. It’s my first custom so I’d like to hold on to it. As for commissions, I would recreate this pop for anyone interested. I would be unsure of any other requests do to my inexperience with customizing.
Is there anywhere our readers can see your future work?
Not at the moment if I continue to make customs I would probably look into setting something up for others to see them like an Instagram account or Facebook page.
Well let us know when you do I would love to see more customs from you I’m sure our readers will too. Thank you Kasey for letting me showcase your work I can’t wait to see Teen Wolf 2.0. Check out more pictures of this awesome custom in the gallery below. Until next time “Keep It Popping!”