Holiday Pop! Series
#01 – Snow Miser (The Year Without a Santa Claus)
#02 – Heat Miser (The Year Without a Santa Claus)
#03 – Rudolph (Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer)
#04 – Santa Claus (Ruldolph the Red Nose Raindeer)
#05 – Bumble (Ruldolph the Red Nose Raindeer)
#06 – Misfit Elephant (Ruldolph the Red Nose Raindeer)
#07 – Yukon Cornelius (Ruldolph the Red Nose Raindeer)
#08 – Hermey (Ruldolph the Red Nose Raindeer)
#09 – Elf on the Shelf
#10 – Buddy Elf (Elf the Movie)
#11 – Sheriff Ralphie (A Christmas Story)
#12 – Bunny Suit Ralphie (A Christmas Story)
#12 – “Flocked” Bunny Suit Ralphie (A Christmas Story) [Gemini Collectible Exclusive]
#13 – The Old Man (A Christmas Story)
14 Krampus
14 Red Krampus *CHASE*
14 Flocked Krampus (HT)
14 Snow Flocked Krampus *CHASE* (HT)
14 Frozen Krampus (FYE)
15 Krampus w/child (HT)
*** FYI: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation Pop Vinyls were not put in the Holiday section but instead the “Movies Section***
There should be a Home Alone series and the Marv Pop should have brick marks on his head haha
They’re making Home Alone Pops! And they are already showing on multiple sites. So far the characters are Kevin, Marv and Harry
Yes we know. We posted a few months ago.
So excited!
The grinch please!!!!
Frosty the Snowman please????
I would gladly take one of each of those pops.