Last year, Disneyland celebrated its’ 65th Anniversary. In conjunction with this milestone, Funko collaborated to release a bunch of collectibles to celebrate. Included in this release were three Pop! Vinyls focused on the Peter Pan’s Flight ride. Let’s check them out.


Peter Pan’s Flight is a track-based dark ride that’s located in Disney Parks worldwide. It also has the distinction of being one of the few remaining opening day rides at Disneyland. The ride vehicle for this ride is a flying pirate ship, and Funko showcased this in the Pop! Ride created.


The two Pop! Vinyls released are of Peter Pan and Captain Hook in the last scene of the ride, where they are fighting on the masts of Captain Hook’s Pirate Ship.


This is always one of the popular rides for families to go on at the parks, and I really like that Funko included it in their celebration of Disneyland’s 65th Anniversary. The are really fun pieces, and I am happy to add them to my Disney Parks collection.


Want to add these pieces to your own Disney or Pop! Collection? You can get them right now from our friends over at Entertainment Earth.



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By Travis Denman

Living in the NYC area, Travis has grown up loving a multitude of things, from Disney to Broadway to the fine arts... and beyond. You can find him rambling on from time to time on, DisKingdom, and as Feature Editor. He also runs the Vinylmation Kingdom Custom Swaps and is the Press Reporter for such events like the NY Toy Fair and New York Comic Con. Additionally, he is also an amateur puppeteer, avid movie goer, and carries his camera around wherever he goes.

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