Editor’s Note: I’m back!!! My apologies for being “off the grid” for the past few months. Between navigating the pandemic and some family stuff, I had to put my reviews on the back burner. However, things have calmed down for me to (hopefully) review some more toys and collectibles that I have gotten over the past months. Enjoy!
For today’s review, I take a look at one of the Funko Pop! Vinyls that was released as part of the Pixar promotion launched in 2020, which took the popular Alien character for the Toy Story franchise and mashed, or “remixed”, it with characters from other Pixar films. Think of it as a giant Trick or Treat Halloween Parade. Many companies were (and still are) involved with this promotion, including The Disney Store, Mattel, and Funko.
Featuring one of the most popular Pixar characters out there, here is the Alien as Kevin, the bird from Pixar’s Up.

This Pop! Vinyl was exclusive to the 2020 Summer Convention promotion…aka, San Diego Comic Con 2020 was cancelled, so let’s make all those slated exclusives online exclusives.
I really like this sculpt. Kevin is such a fun character, and the “derpy” look of the Alien totally matches that of Kevin in the movie. Also,the colors on the Kevin costume are great… though the paint job up by the head piece isn’t great.
I can overlook the bit of a paint issue, as, from a distance and displayed on the shelf, it is not that noticable. I’m not going to be getting into collecting all of these Pop! Vinyls. I opted to focus on the Mattel series of figures, which I will be showcasing some of the newer ones in the future. However, this one was the exception I made… and I am happy I did.