Welcome to Flashback Friday where I discuss Pops from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Anything Pop related to the MCU is up for discussion including films and television series. Let’s jump right in with this week’s discussion. Jessica Jones from the Jessica Jones set is this week’s featured MCU Pop.

I don’t why but I’ve got Netflix on the mind even while I’m watching Hulu. Which means that today’s Pop will be coming from a Netflix Marvel show. If you haven’t seen season 1 of Jessica Jones you’re missing out for a couple of reasons. First of all, it’s a pretty entertaining Marvel show which ends up having larger connections within the MCU Netflix area. Second of all, it introduces one of the most memorable villains within the MCU in the Purple Man aka Killgrave. He’s just so devastatingly awful and manipulative that he immediately goes to the top of the list as far as villains are concerned. Of course this is where Jessica shines. She’s completely haunted by him and that takes her character in very real and dark places. The emotional toll it takes on her is astronomical and affects her daily life and every relationship and interaction she has. That’s about as far as I go for “spoilers”. If what I said sounds interesting you should definitely check it out.
Jessica Jones was released in 2017 and was available wherever Pops were sold. I don’t think her popularity shot through the roof at least as far as her collectability. Two years later and you can still add her to your collection for about retail value so that’s a plus if you’re interested. I’m very sad that this set was so small because there are some great characters that deserve the Pop treatment.
Answer the two trivia questions below and choose an MCU Pop that I haven’t covered in a Flashback Friday article. Leave your answers and choice in the comments section. If your answers are correct I will choose a random person with the correct responses and their choice will be featured in a future article. This week’s trivia will come from Jessica Jones.
Question 1: Jessica Jones debuted after which other Marvel Netflix show?
Question 2: What’s the name of Jessica’s best friend?
I hope you enjoyed this week’s column. Check back next week for a brand new Flashback Friday and don’t forget to join our Facebook group. Excelsior!
I had a lot of problems with the Jessica Jones Pop. I’m an out of the box person and I’ve had her on my shelf for about a month when I noticed her bending forward to the point of falling over. It’s a bend on her left ankle that’s the problem. I even purchased a second one and it has the same problem (not as severe though). Anyone see this with their Jessica jones???
1. Daredevil
2. Trish Walker
Can you do Talos?