Welcome to Flashback Friday where I discuss Pops from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Anything Pop related to the MCU is up for discussion including films and television series. Let’s jump right in with this week’s discussion and the first Flashback Friday of 2019. Spider-Man in his Homemade Suit from the Spider-Man: Homecoming set is this week’s featured MCU Pop.

Spider-Man: Homecoming was released in 2017 as the first film produced by Sony while connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I know a lot of fans including myself were burned out on Spider-Man movies but when the character made his debut in Captain America: Civil War I think most people realized the potential of our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man under the Disney banner. Sure enough, he was a hit and Sony immediately began production on another solo spidey film. The casting of Tom Holland is arguably the best Spider-Man and Peter Parker we’ve seen on film to date. Not to mention Michael Keaton as The Vulture just blew my expectations away. Among merchandise, Spider-Man has long been at the top of the mountain. So to no one’s surprise Funko went crazy for the web head and released a ton of spidey Pops which all look fantastic!
The Pop pictured about looks great! Peter makes his own suit before the high-tech one is given to him. After Tony and Happy take away the suit he busts out this one and continues to try and make things right. This Pop was released at all retailers that carry Funko products in 2017. If you’re a Spider-Man fan you really need to add this one to your collection. You should be able to find it through many online outlets such as Amazon, eBay, and various Facebook groups. Finding it for $12.00 or less should be fairly reasonable. I don’t see it going up anytime soon so definitely browse and find the best deal for yourself.
Answer the two trivia questions below and choose an MCU Pop that I haven’t covered in a Flashback Friday article. Leave your answers and choice in the comments section. If your answers are correct I will choose a random person with the correct responses and their choice will be featured in a future article. This week’s trivia will come from Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Question 1: Who is Peter’s best friend in the film?
Question 2: Who is Peter trying to impress with his crime fighting skills?
I hope you enjoyed this week’s column. Check back next week for a brand new Flashback Friday and don’t forget to join our Facebook group. Excelsior!
1. Ned Leeds
2. Liz Allan
Ned is correct. Liz is not.