Number 10
Movie moments have hit, and they change the game. While this might be cheating, as the first movie moments were released last year, it wasn’t until 2018 that this new product has really taken off. From Star Wars to Aladdin to Avengers, these deluxe display ready figures are a great way for Funko to use (and reuse) it’s popular licensing lines.

Number 9
Speaking of licensing, Pokemon has finally come to Funko! While this may have been further up on the list if more than 2 pops had been released, it’s been Funko’s worst-kept-secret that they’ve been after the Pokemon license for a long time. While the details of them at least being able to test the license must be weird (only one character sold, and as a Target exclusive for no discernable reason), but based on the response the fans had we expect more Pokemon very soon. Could it lead to more Nintendo licensing in the future? We hope so.
Number 8
One of the greatest moments in Funko history happened this year, and while it might be a blip on most collectors radar, it’s still a great moment from the company. They’ve started to adopt causes as their popularity soars, and they have even been giving back with pops like the Make-A-Wish Freddy and BoxLunch Scooby Doo, with profits going to the associated charities. A good move by Funko.
Number 7
Fortnite hit the Pop world hard. It’s well known that a pop takes awhile from inception to printing, so the sheer VOLUME of Fortnite Pops that have been released in the past 90 days is staggering. The videogame soared in popularity with teenagers this year, and given the literal unlimited supply of skins available for the game, don’t expect the waves of these pops to disappear anytime soon.
Number 6
There were some cool pops this year, the Venom line is one that comes to mind with cool sculpts, but there is nothing cooler than when the artists think outside the box when it comes to design. For every complaint about yet another chrome variant of whatever character, a George Glass two pack or a Professor Quirrell was there to make sure we know the artists aren’t sleeping. The molds, the designs, the art is all increasing year after year, and seemingly month after month. Keep it up Funko!
Number 5
The movie! Who could resist staying home and chilling with a Netflix movie made about your favorite collectibles? What could’ve been a vanity film showing the history and how cool the company is, instead of a thought provoking look at collecting, what brings collectors to the hobby and why they stay was just as interesting as the early years of the wobbler lines. Chock full of celebrity cameos, this movie made being a Funko collector cool.
Number 4
The Funko-Shop is working as intended. Sure there are still those that complain they can’t get on the site in time for a release, but the newest system of announcing the pop hours in advance is (somehow) reducing the bots and getting more pops into collectors hands. We’re hoping this trend continues, as even the major releases this year didn’t crash the site. Fingers crossed!
Number 3
Once upon a time it was said that the 9” pop was dead. They didn’t sell as well as the 3” line, and collectors just didn’t embrace them when they were out. (What a mistake that was, eh?) Well, Funko has taken that line back by releasing several 10” pops through their relationship with (who else) Target. From the Jurassic Park T-Rex, to the Target dog himself, these highly detailed figures in larger size have been a hit. Another moment we hope keeps going!
Number 2
If you’ve ever been to any large convention, you know that buying stuff from the exclusive shops is the most frustrating time. At 2017’s Star Wars Celebration Funko’s lines were so long that one timeslot would barely be mid-way through their line before the next time slot was queuing – leading to madness and chaos around the booths. However, by NYCC this year the system had been refined and fixed, leading to control and making the booth more accessible to those that weren’t just there to purchase pops. Looking forward to seeing how they improve even further for 2019!
Number 1
Something was different about Fundays 2018 right from the beginning. Weeks before SDCC 2018 Funko was advertising that this Fundays would be different – and a promise of a live stream, something that had never been done before this years event. Why would they stream it? The Box of Fun this year was a cute locker that held 3 pops. The live stream did a live opening of the Box, and afterwards announced that, for the first time ever, not only would the attendees be able to get a Box of Fun, but that using the codeword “RADICAL”, ANYONE WATCHING COULD BUY A BOX OF FUN FOR $50.
That was the greatest moment in collecting Funko this year, a great night, followed by a fun week of the community coming together to discuss the possibilities of the boxes. Minute by minute questions flew around Facebook and message boards; what was inside, where did it ship from, what was the weight? It was a great moment, and yet another on the list of things showing that Funko is a FAN-FIRST company – they were, in a way, giving back to us.
So, what was YOUR favorite Funko moment in 2018? What is on your wish list for 2019? Let us know in the comments!