Welcome to Flashback Friday where I discuss pops from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Anything pop related to the MCU is up for discussion including films and television series. Let’s jump right in with this week’s discussion. War Machine from the Captain America: Civil War set is this week’s featured MCU Pop.

Discussion: I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving no matter if you were with family, friends, or working. My hope is that some of you were able to take advantage of all those Black Friday sales on Thursday and Friday and added some awesome Pops to your collection. So let’s get to War Machine. What’s interesting is that this is a huge film with serious repercussions for Rhodey. During the events of Civil War he ends up siding with Tony who sides with the government. One of the stories coming out of that fight scene at the airport is that Rhodey gets severely injured which ends up causing partial paralysis. The ordeal changes who Rhodey is down to his core. He questions himself if it was worth it. Did he choose the right side? It even has Tony second guessing himself.
I really dig this version of War Machine because it has a lot going on. The armor is very intricate and detailed plus he’s got weapons around the wrists and he’s holding a weapon as well. If memory serves that weapon has an electrical current that stuns the foe. War Machine’s suit has never really been colorful but it’s simple and to the point. He was released in 2016 which is the same year the film was released. Even two years later the cost has not really gotten much higher than retail value. You should be able to pick it up for under $12.00 from Amazon, eBay, or Facebook groups. I’m not sure if this will ever be a high value Pop but if you’re a fan of War Machine this should definitely be in your collection especially before it becomes vaulted.
Trivia: Be the first to comment with the correct answers to both questions and win. If you become the weekly champion you must choose a Pop within the MCU that has not been featured in the Flashback Friday series and post it after your answers. The questions are from Captain America: Civil War.
Q1: Which character on Tony’s side ends up helping Steve escape?
Q2: What Ant-Man alter ego appeared in the film?
I hope you enjoyed this week’s column. Please check back next week for a brand new Flashback Friday and don’t forget to join our Facebook group. Excelsior!
1. Black Widow.
Doctor Strange w/ Rune #181?