Welcome to Flashback Friday where I discuss pops from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Anything pop related to the MCU is up for discussion including films and television series. Let’s jump right in with this week’s discussion. Captain America from the Avengers: Age of Ultron set is this week’s featured MCU Pop.

Discussion: Just like Thor from the previous article I didn’t think Captain America played that big of a role in Age of Ultron. He was there with the team and fighting Ultron’s minions most if the time. He was being a leader like Cap should be even taking the fight to Ultron once but’s he way over matched. Because Cap is Cap it doesn’t matter to him that Ultron is much more powerful. He’ll fight to the end and save as many lives as he can. Captain America is at his best when he’s leading a team and he does that at the beginning and at the end of the film. During the middle of the film they start to plant the seeds of what would become Civil War between Steve and Tony. Age of Ultron is decent as a standalone but better within the MCU as a whole.
Captain America was released in 2015 which is the same year as the film release. This Pop has not been vaulted yet which surprises me but that means for those of you who don’t own one yet you can still get one for retail price. Amazon, eBay, and various Facebook groups would be your best bet. It’s not a bad looking Pop but there are better ones in the set. My personal favorite is the unmasked San Diego Comic Con one. Once this set becomes vaulted I think the value of the Pops will steadily begin to increase similar to the Thor: The Dark World set. If you’re missing any I’d get them while you can at decent prices.
Trivia: Be the first to comment with the correct answers to both questions and win. If you become the weekly champion you must choose a Pop within the MCU that has not been featured in the Flashback Friday series and post it after your answers. The questions are from Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Q1: Which character picks up Captain America’s shield in the film?
Q2: Which character was able to slightly move Thor’s hammer?
I hope you enjoyed this week’s column. Please check back next week for a brand new Flashback Friday and don’t forget to join our Facebook group. Excelsior!
Black widow picks up capt shileds. Also captain America slightly moves it. Vision pick it up but slightly move it was captain America
You are correct! What would you like to see covered next week?