Welcome to Flashback Friday where I discuss pops from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Anything pop related to the MCU is up for discussion including films and television series. Let’s jump right in with this week’s discussion. Crossbones from the Captain America: Civil War set is this week’s featured MCU Pop.

Discussion: In the comic book stories Red Menace and The Death of Captain America, Crossbones is a massively important character to the overall story. However, in Captain America: Civil War Crossbones unfortunately takes a back seat and has a pretty minimal part in the film. I’m sure his total screen time is less than 10 minutes. It’s such a shame because he’s a really interesting character and has a ton of history with Captain America, Winter Soldier, Falcon, Black Widow, Agent 13, and Red Skull. What makes it worse is that it looks like from watching the film that his character has been written out of the MCU at least in present times however don’t discount him showing up in older timeline films such as the announced Black Widow and Captain Marvel films.

What’s kind of interesting is that Funko released three different variations of Crossbones even though he spent a minimal time on screen. He should’ve gotten two or three versions in the Winter Soldier set over the Civil War set. He was much more significant in the previous film. Crossbones #139 is a Barnes and Noble exclusive and #140 is a Target exclusive. Unsurprisingly to me, both Pops are really cheap for being exclusives and a couple of years old. You should be able to pick both of them up for right around $10.00 each. I think because Crossbones had such a minimal impact overall on the MCU the character never really got a chance to shine. I’m hoping that if they bring him back for any older films or flashbacks he’ll get a little more meat to work with.
Trivia: Be the first to comment with the correct answers to both questions and win. If you become the weekly champion you must choose a Pop within the MCU that has not been featured in the Flashback Friday series and post it after your answers. The questions are from Captain America: Civil War.
Q1: Crossbones has been in how many movies in the MCU?
Q2: Crossbones was a member of what two organizations?
I hope you enjoyed this week’s column. Please check back next week for a brand new Flashback Friday and don’t forget to join our Facebook group. Excelsior!
Question 1 answer Captain America winter soldier and civil war
Question 2 answer In the movies he was a member of Shield and Hydra but was also part of thunderbolts and skeleton crew in the comics
Question 1 answer Captain America winter soldier and civil war
Question 2 answer In the movies he was a member of Shield and Hydra but was also part of thunderbolts and skeleton crew
You are correct. What Pop would you like to see featured next week?