PopVinyls.com is looking to expand its reach and we’re looking for new members of our time. It’s time to build up your resume by consistently writing on a subject you love! The following positions are needed.
- Weekly Columnists- You will write a weekly column about something topical in the world of Funko or collecting.
- Computer design expert- We’re looking for someone to help with the creation of new logo and designs.
- Other toy lines news writers- We are looking to expand our coverage to a few different lines. If you are a fan of other product lines, please let us know!
- Your idea! Do you have an idea on how you can contribute? Let me know what it is!
Now how do you apply
Send an email to admin@popvinyls.com with the following info:
- Name
- Position
- A short writing sample either explaining your desire for the position or a writing sample you have written previously.
THE MOST IMPORTANT PART IS CONSISTENCY. If you cannot commit to at least once per week, please do not apply for this voluntary position! Thank you!