Way back in March, we first got word of a new wave of Friends Pop Vinyls based on the hit NBC television show. After the success of the first wave, it wasn’t a surprise that a 2nd wave was coming. But what might have been a surprise was how well these have turned out. All of these are based on classic episodes such as the 1980s flashback episodes for the Ross, Chandler, and Rachel Pops.
Joey in all of Chandler’s Clothes
Monica w/ Braids & Frizzy Hair Chase!
Phoebe as Supergirl
Flock of Seagulls Hairstyle Chandler
Big Hair & Stache Ross
Big Bangs Rachel
Our friends over at Crazy Collectibles have an amazing bundle that gets you all 7 (including the chase for only $69.95. Amazing deal!!
Also, look out for the Target exclusive Monica with a Turkey on her head.
Look for these in August!
This is one of those licenses where it’s like…I know it’s popular and I’m sure there will be impulse purchases, but I feel like the appeal of Pops is being able to recognize a character without explanation. Stuff like this, Arrested Development, John Oliver while making sense on paper (they’re all popular!) doesn’t really work out in Pop form. Most people would see the Phoebe one and think “oh hey it’s Supergirl!”
I agree with Nick. A good chunk of Pop releases at the moment are kind of generic. Even Braid!Monica is kind of “who?” I suppose it’s a good time to be a customizer, though