We think this is the 2nd to last releal. Check it out!
Pop! Ad Icons: Cap’n Crunch® – Crunchberry Beast
Sweet, colorful, and crunchy with a berry flavor you can’t resist.
Cap’n Crunch’s Crunch Berries® is an iconic
cereal with an iconic mascot to match it.
The Crunchberry Beast will be available at SDCC 2018!

Dorbz: Ad Icons – Cap’n Crunch and Friends 4-pack (4000pc LE)
The fun-loving sea captain, Cap’n Crunch, and his cereal
friends – JeanLaFoote, Crunchberry Beast and
Seadog – join our SDCC lineup as a Dorbz 4-pack!

Cap’n Crunch’s Crunch Berries® is an iconic
cereal with an iconic mascot to match it.
The Crunchberry Beast will be available at SDCC 2018!

Dorbz: Ad Icons – Cap’n Crunch and Friends 4-pack (4000pc LE)
The fun-loving sea captain, Cap’n Crunch, and his cereal
friends – JeanLaFoote, Crunchberry Beast and
Seadog – join our SDCC lineup as a Dorbz 4-pack!

Vynl.: Ad Icons – Yummy Mummy & Fruite Brute 2-pack
Yummy Mummy and Fruite Brute are back! These General Mills
cereal monsters are shown as Funko Vynl. for SDCCC 2018!

Yummy Mummy and Fruite Brute are back! These General Mills
cereal monsters are shown as Funko Vynl. for SDCCC 2018!