Welcome to Flashback Friday where I discuss pops from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Anything pop related to the MCU is up for discussion including films and television series. Let’s jump right in with this week’s discussion. Thanos from the Avengers: Civil War set is this week’s featured MCU Pop.

Discussion: Avengers: Infinity War is debuted in cinemas worldwide three weeks ago to great success. Thanos is a centerpiece of the film. Thanos has been teased over several films and finally he’s going to get his official introduction in Infinity War. A huge chunk of the marketing has prominently featured Thanos and he looks to be the lead for the film. Funko is really going all out on Thanos already having announced five variations within the first wave of characters. So far, we have four Pop Vinyl’s and one Pop Rides for the Josh Brolin character. Marvel Studios is pushing Thanos as a big deal because even if we’re just looking at Funko products Ultron only had two pops in the Age of Ultron set and Loki had just one in the Avengers set. I’d expect several more Thanos pops within 2018.

Thanos (#289) is the only version of the character that’s been released in the Infinity War set so far that’s not an exclusive. So if you’re looking to add an updated version of the Mad Titan to your collection this one will be the easiest and cheapest one you can find. $15.00 should be enough to bolster your collection. For comparison, the (#296) Walmart exclusive is ($20.00), the (#308) Target exclusive is ($50.00), and the (#289) Popcultcha exclusive is ($150.00). I’d say you need a good $250.00 to get each and every Thanos from the Infinity War set but I expect the Target and Popcultcha exclusives to steadily increase in value so I’d recommend getting those two first. The older Thanos pops from the Guardians of the Galaxy set have also seen a sharp increase due to the increased awareness of the character.

I know there’s always difficulty when going after exclusives and I’m sure most of you know how hard it is getting them from Target. That 10” inch pop is going to be expensive. Landing around $100.00 wouldn’t surprise me in the least. The Popcultcha one is going to be a major pain and a major dent in the wallet for those of us outside of Australia. Shipping costs alone will run you $20.00 to $30.00 bucks on top of how much you’re paying for the pop. After the release of Avengers: Infinity War look for the prices to continue to increase with new releases that are exclusives will be highly sought after. Make sure to check out our Facebook group for all of your Funko needs.
Trivia: Be the first to comment with the correct answers to both questions and win. If you become the weekly champion you must choose a Pop within the MCU that has not been featured in the Flashback Friday series and post it after your answers. The questions are from Avengers: Infinity War.
Q1: Josh Brolin plays which two Marvel characters in 2018?
Q2: What two Marvel films star Josh Brolin in 2018?
I hope you enjoyed this week’s column. Please check back next week for a brand new Flashback Friday. Excelsior!
Thanos and Cable, Infinity war Deadpool 2
Q1: Thanos and Cable
Q2: Avengers Infinity War and Deadpool 2
#1 Thanos and cable
#2 avengers infinity war and dead pool 2
I would like gamora from guardians of the galaxy.
Answer 1: Thanos and Cable in…
Answer 2: Avengers Infinity War and Deadpool 2.
A pop not featured in flashback Friday is Ace Ventura pop # 32.
@Jaron Torbeck – Your answers are correct but you did not provide a Pop you’d like to see featured.
@Soraya Ferrer – Your answers are correct but you did not provide a Pop you’d like to see featured.
@Drbuck – Your answers are correct. I hope you enjoy this week’s Gamora article.
@robert kareem – Your answers are correct but you did not provide a Pop within the MCU that you’d like to see featured.
Thanks everyone for posting your responses. Please check out this week’s artilce on Gamora at this link http://popvinyls.com/2018/05/18/flashback-friday-gamora/