Welcome to Flashback Friday where I discuss pops from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Anything pop related to the MCU is up for discussion including films and television series. Let’s jump right in with this week’s discussion which was chosen by me. Iron Patriot from the Iron Man 3 set is this week’s featured MCU Pop.
Discussion: Iron Man 3 is a very interesting chapter within the Marvel Cinematic Universe because the fans are so divided. Overall, critics seemed to really enjoy it. It’s when you get to the fans that such heated debates ensue. The first time I watched the film in theaters I really enjoyed it and I thought the twist was out of left field and it shocked me in a good way. But over the years it’s become one of my least favorite films in the MCU. Don’t get me wrong. There’s still plenty of parts I enjoy but the twist is super wonky and I feel like it robbed the audience of a potentially intriguing villain. Of course, James was with Tony throughout the film and it felt a bit like a buddy cop movie. I just didn’t think it was executed all that well.

James Rhodes plays a large role in Iron Man 3. I still prefer Terrance Howard over Don Cheadle as the character but what can you do? The introduction of the Iron Patriot suit was pretty cool and I liked how it gets hijacked and starts causing all sorts of issues for our heroes. I do own the Iron Patriot Pop pictured above and I’m happy to say I own the entire Iron Man 3 collection sans the two San Diego Comic Con exclusives. Iron Patriot is a very cool looking Pop but I think the metallic version looks so much better. If you’re interested in checking it out you can find it at this link.
The set is not getting cheaper and the individual Pops are becoming more difficult to find. I believe most, if not all of the Pops are now vaulted including Iron Patriot. This means they’re no longer in production and whatever is in the marketplace is all that exists. As of this week, you can probably find Iron Patriot between $20.00 – $30.00 on eBay or Amazon. You definitely won’t find this guy in your normal Funko selling stores. If you’re interested in joining a great community, buying, selling, or trading your Pops then look no further than our Facebook group. It’s highly likely at least one of our members has what you’re looking for.
Fun Facts: In this section I’ll post an interesting fact or two from the chosen film or television series.
In the comics, the Iron Patriot was an alias used by Spider-Man’s nemesis, the Green Goblin (Norman Osborn). In this film, it is War Machine, painted in a resemblance of Captain America’s suit.
Trivia: Welcome to our weekly trivia where you have a chance of choosing the pop for the next column. Be the first to comment with the correct answers to both questions and win. If you become the weekly champion you must choose a Pop within the MCU that has not been featured in the Flashback Friday series. This week’s questions will come from Iron Man 3.
Q1: Who are the two actors that have played Col James Rhodes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Q2: What does A.I.M. stand for?
I hope you enjoyed this week’s column. Please check back next week for a brand new Flashback Friday. Excelsior!!
1. Terrance Howard & Don Cheadle
2.. Advanced Idea Mechanics
definitely one of my favorite Pops from the MCU, I hope that one day Funko release a Pop based on how the Iron Patriot looks in the comics, maybe even with a variant with Norman’s head.
The answers are 1. Terrance Howard and Don Cheadle and 2. Advanced Idea Mechanics
@Anthroman: You are spot on sir. Which MCU Pop would you like to see featured?
@Uriel: You know comic book versions of a lot of Marvel Pops would be fantastic!! Hopefully Funko adds more of those in the next few years. Both of your answers are correct but Anthroman beat you to it. Leave your choice as a backup just in case.
ok, have you done Black Widow with shield already?