Welcome to Flashback Friday where I discuss pops from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Anything pop related to the MCU is up for discussion including films and television series. Let’s jump right in with this week’s discussion which was chosen by me. Black Panther from the Captain America: Civil War set is this week’s featured MCU Pop.
Discussion: I know the big news this week within the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the release of Black Panther in cinemas worldwide. It’s breaking box office records each day and just going to the bank with how much money its raking in so far. During the first full week of release it’s already grossed over $500,000,000 worldwide. I expect it to earn well over $1 billion worldwide by the time it’s finished. Anyways, I thought I’d do a callback to the first film that featured Black Panther and that’s Captain America: Civil War. We first meet T’Challa during a meeting for world leaders to sign the Sokovia accords. Needless to say, things don’t go as planned and now the new King of Wakanda dons the Black Panther suit and joins Iron Man’s team to stop Cap and Bucky from trying to uncover the real reason the two sides are at war.

Most of the people I talked to who saw the film really liked Black Panther which got them more excited to see him in his standalone film. Funko also seemed to have faith in the character because they gave us three Black Panther pops for this set. This one is interesting because it’s a glitter exclusive. Now up until this point I don’t ever remember seeing a pop doused in glitter. I remember when I got it I looked into the box and it looked exactly like the regular one. However, once I took it out of the box and moved it around under the light it looked pretty cool. Personally, I don’t care too much about this exclusive because it’s just not the variation I’ve come to expect from Marvel. I know the variation improves on future Black Panthers with the set based on the film.
Black Panther was a Walmart exclusive in 2016. I haven’t seen any at the stores for over half a year so you might be hard pressed to find them in brick and mortar locations. Your best bet is to check out Amazon, eBay, and our Facebook group for all of your Funko needs. We thrive on a great community of members so please do yourself a favor and give it a try. Black Panther can be found for close to retail price. From $12.00-$15.00 is what you should be expecting to pay.
Fun Facts: In this section I’ll post an interesting fact or two from the chosen film or television series.
Marisa Tomei was in her fifties when portraying Aunt May, in contrast to Rosemary Harris being in her seventies in Spider-Man (2002) and Sally Field in her sixties in The Amazing Spider-Man (2012).
Trivia: Welcome to our weekly trivia where you have a chance of choosing the pop for the next column. Be the first to comment with the correct answers to both questions and win. If you become the weekly champion you must choose a Pop within the MCU that has not been featured in the Flashback Friday series. This week’s questions will come from Captain America: Civil War.
Q1: Which actor plays Falcon?
Q2: How much money did the film make at the worldwide box office?
I hope you enjoyed this week’s column. Please check back next week for a brand new Flashback Friday. Excelsior!!
1. Anthony Mackie
2. $1, 153, 304, 495
@Kaleb: You are correct. Which Pop would you like to see featured this week?