Welcome to Flashback Friday where I discuss pops from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Anything pop related to the MCU is up for discussion including films and television series. Let’s jump right in with this week’s discussion which was chosen by Brady who was last week’s trivia winner. Cosmo from the Guardians of the Galaxy set is Brady’s choice.
Discussion: As most of you know by now Guardians of the Galaxy was a huge success that spawned a very successful sequel with a third one on the way. Groot and Rocket are now household names. Who would’ve thought that several years ago? For those that have seen the movie you may remember The Collector’s museum. He collected just about everything from around the cosmos. In fact, even a space dog named Cosmo. Cosmo can be seen briefly when the Guardians walk into The Collector’s museum. As Rocket walks by a glass enclosure he makes eye contact with Cosmo and they both growl at each other. The last time you see Cosmo is after the Infinity Stone explodes Cosmo is seen running out The Collector’s building. I don’t know if they ever plan on bringing Cosmo back into the films but it was a nice nod for longtime comic book fans.

What makes Cosmo super interesting is that he’s part of Funko’s Specialty Series. The Specialty series rewards small local businesses, comic shops, and specialty stores, along with select online retailers the opportunity to sell very exclusive Pops and Dorbz to their customers. Each month, there will be one new Pop and one new Dorbz that’s available for purchase at these types of locations. This series was first announced in May 2016 and is still going strong coming into 2018. Cosmo was the first ever Pop released for the Specialty series which is a pretty cool honor. Although Cosmo plays an insignificant role in the movie, more of a cameo really, he is indeed a part of the Guardians of the Galaxy set and any collectors that want a complete set will need to him to their collections.
I know you’re asking yourself “where the heck can I get this awesome Cosmo Pop?” That’s a very great question that has too many possible answers. The best thing I can do is to give you the easiest places to find Cosmo. First, you should definitely check out your local comic and collectible shops and see if they have any in stock. If not, ask a manager if they can look into getting involved in the Specialty Series. Outside brick and mortar stores your best bet is eBay, Amazon, and our awesome Facebook group. I’m certain you’ll be able to find a few or our members that would be willing to sell or trade their Cosmos. Cosmo should be sitting around $15.00 as far as online prices go. I’d pick one up now before the prices starts to steadily increase.
Fun Fact: In this section I’ll post an interesting fact or two from the chosen film or television series.
Chris Pratt apparently stole his Star-Lord costume from the set, for the sole purpose of having it available so he could show up in costume to visit sick children in the hospital, who might want to meet Star-Lord.
Trivia: Welcome to our weekly trivia where you have a chance of choosing the pop for the next column. Be the first to comment with the correct answers to both questions and win. If you become the weekly champion you must choose a pop within the MCU that has not been featured in the Flashback Friday series. This week’s questions will come from Guardians of the Galaxy.
Q1: Which actress shaved their head to play the character of Nebula in the film?
Q2: What’s the name of the planet that The Collector’s museum is located?
I hope you enjoyed this week’s column. Please check back next week for a brand new Flashback Friday. Excelsior!!
1. Karen Gillen
2. Knowhere
Brady you got it. What would you like to see next week?
How about #192 Blade? Thanks again!
Or, keeping in mind the MCU, Punisher from the Daredevil Netflix series
The Looney Tunes Viking Elmer Dorbz will be available at the Funko booth at ECCC when it opens on March 1.