Today, Roger from our sister site is at London Toy Fair, and sent over these pictures for us from the Titan Merchandise booth, where they have on display two of the newest Titans sets.
First up is the Doctor Who Kawaii set, which features all twelve Doctors in a Kawaii rendering, based off the artistry of Kelly Yates. The base set of sixteen figures is made up of each of the twelve Doctors, with an additional four Chase figures of the War Doctor, the Fifth Doctor, the Ninth Doctor, and the Tenth Doctor.
Ratios are as follows:
Fourth Doctor, Tenth Doctor (regular), Eleventh Doctor, Twelfth Doctor
First Doctor, Second Doctor, Third Doctor, Fifth Doctor (regular), Sixth Doctor, Seventh Doctor, Eighth Doctor, Ninth Doctor (regular)
Fifth Doctor (Chase), War Doctor (Chase), Tenth Doctor (Chase), Eleventh Doctor (Chase)

Here are some pics of a few of the figures on display at London Toy Fair.
Next up is the much anticipated Games of Thrones: The Winter is Here Collection of regular Titans. What is interesting with this set is that this set has a prominent character missing, and only three Chase figures. I am going to assume there was an issue with the Daenerys figure that appeared in concept art, and her and her corresponding Chase figure had to be removed last minute from the set.
Ratios are as follows:
Tyrion Lannister (regular), Brienne of Tarth, Night King, Jon Snow (regular), Arya Stark (regular), The Hound
Jaime Lannister, Tormund Giantsbane, Sansa Stark, White Walker
Jon Snow (Chase), Arya Stark (Chase), Tyrion Lannister (Chase)

Titan also had these figures on display.
Both of these sets are expected to release in the first quarter of 2018, with the Game of Thrones collection hitting shelves shortly.
Special thanks again to Roger for sending over these pics. Can’t wait to see what other fun stuff awaits him at London Toy Fair.
What do you think of these two new collections from Titan? Let us know below.
The Night King is my favourite
My desperate for the Got collection be release it’s frustrating not knowing when it’s being release as been afew dates I so want the whole case