Less Words. More pics. Here’s a review of a lot of upcoming new Pop!s. Lots and Lots of new items so make sure to look closely!
Less Words. More pics. Here’s a review of a lot of upcoming new Pop!s. Lots and Lots of new items so make sure to look closely!
Baltar is the publisher and editor-in-chief of PopVinyls.com . Pop Vinyls was founded in 2012 and has grown to be the largest independent news website devoted to covering Funko and other POPular vinyl toy companies.
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Oh what a surprise, still no Arya Funkos besides her old old outfit as a “boy.”
Similarly, Sansa still doesn’t get a proper release. Just her half a season dark look. But at least Jon and Dany get their newest looks. AND DAVOS.
excited for the McDonalds series and Care Bears.
So just Davos then. No other new characters – shame!