Welcome to Flashback Friday where I discuss pops from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Anything pop related to the MCU is up for discussion including films and television series. Let’s jump right in with this week’s discussion which was chosen by me since no one correctly answered last week’s trivia. Hulk smashes his way back into focus a few out from his return to the big screen.
Discussion: After seeing Hulk in Thor: Ragnarok a few weeks ago he’s been on my mind and since I’m trying to finish off all of the MCU pops from 1-100 I’m harkening back to Age of Ultron where he was most definitely not as good as Ragnarok Hulk in my opinion. You see Hulk is an interesting fellow because I feel like since he rarely ever talks as the Hulk it’s a bit harder for the audience to relate to him. What was nice in Age of Ultron is that we get a blossoming relationship with Black Widow which makes him more relatable. Now Hulk had three different versions for the Age of Ultron set but since I’ve already covered Savage Hulk right here I’m only going to discuss the normal Hulk and the glow in the dark version.

I used to be so good in keeping up with the older MCU pops and adding them to my collection. Sadly, I’ve been falling behind but in the case of Age of Ultron Hulk I do have both of them. They are sitting on my desk waiting to “Hulk Smash” any threat that comes their way. Both versions look really well thought out and put together. I very much enjoy the Barnes and Noble exclusive glow in the dark one. Put him under a light for a minute or two and then shut all of the lights off he really stands out. Maybe I’m partial to the glow in the dark ones since I think I own most if not all of the MCU glowers. I picked up both pops within the first month or two of release at Hot Topic and Barnes and Noble respectively.

If you’re reading this article and you’re a fan of the “big guy” then you should have these in your collection. For some reason these are not in your collection you can easily remedy the situation by checking out Amazon, eBay, or our amazing Facebook group which can be found here. I’m certain there are a ton of people that can hook you up with a good deal because the normal Hulk you can still find for under $10.00. Glow in the dark Hulk is a little pricier at roughly $15.00 but still very reasonable.
Trivia: Welcome to the trivia section. Be the first to comment with the correct answers to both questions and you get to choose next week’s pop. You must chose an MCU pop that has yet to be featured in the Flashback Friday series. This week’s questions will come from Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Q1: How many times was the trailer viewed in the first 24 hours on YouTube?
Q2: Which character has the most screen time in the film?
I hope you enjoyed this week’s article. Please check back next week for a brand new Flashback Friday and as always Excelsior!
A1: 35m views
A2: Captain America 50 min 25 sec
Those are correct. Please choose your Pop and I will begin working on the article.