Welcome to Flashback Friday where I discuss pops from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Anything pop related to the MCU is up for discussion including films and television series. Let’s jump right in with this week’s discussion which was chosen by me since no one correctly answered last week’s trivia. Thor makes his triumphant return to Flashback Friday.
Discussion: I know what you’re thinking. Releasing an article on the God of Thunder on the same weekend Thor: Ragnarok gets released in North American cinemas must be a coincidence. You’d be absolutely wrong because it was done on purpose! I’m going way back to a lot of people’s least favorite Thor film which is Thor: The Dark World. The God of Thunder is a really cool character and Hemsworth’s take is very funny and charming. After seeing Thor in four films I can say with utmost certainty that’s he’s my favorite when he’s interacting with other characters such as Loki, Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man, and I’m sure everyone in Ragnarok. That’s when he’s at his best in my opinion. If you’re interested in reading my previous Thor articles you get to them by clicking here and here.

This brings us to the two pops that I actually own and they’re pretty cool. The main Thor was a wide release and at the time could be found wherever pops were sold. It’s when you get to the Black and White Gemini Collectibles exclusive that really takes the God of Thunder up a notch. I was lucky enough to stumble upon this exclusive while watching an MCU film at home. Where and how can I get my hands on one of these is what I thought. I found the Gemini website and ordered one for $18.00 plus shipping at the time. He now sits proudly on my dresser with his brothers in arms.

These two pops have really shot up in price. The non-exclusive one became vaulted and is now roughly a $25.00 pop. You’ll definitely need to check online for this one as most stores that were carrying it have been out for some time. Gemini Collectibles no longer sells the Black and White exclusive Thor so you’re probably going to have to check out eBay and hope for a good deal because this guy is now upwards of $40.00. Please check out our awesome Facebook group where you buy, sell, trade, and get involved with the Funko community.
Trivia: Welcome to the trivia section. Be the first to comment with the correct answers to both questions and you get to choose next week’s pop. You must chose an MCU pop that has yet to be featured in the Flashback Friday series. This week’s questions will come from Thor: The Dark World.
Q1: The film was shot under which title?
Q2: How long did it take to complete Malekith’s make-up?
I hope you enjoyed this week’s article. Please check back next week for a brand new Flashback Friday and as always Excelsior!