Welcome to Flashback Friday where I discuss pops from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Anything pop related to the MCU is up for discussion including films and television series. Let’s jump right in with this week’s discussion which was chosen by me since we didn’t have correct answers from last week’s trivia questions. The Guardians make a return this week with Yondu Udonta who was not a part of the team in the first film but but joined up in the second one.
Discussion: First off, I’ve been a fan of Michael Rooker since his Walking Dead days as Earl Dixon began in 2010. I was pretty excited when I heard he was cast in Guardians of the Galaxy even though at the time I didn’t know anything about the characters. When I finally saw the film on opening weekend of course in 2014 I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed the film. I remember seeing it three times in theaters and now countless times at home. Yondu is such a cool and different character. He’s really funny especially when he interacts with Star-Lord but he’s also a badass when he uses his arrow to dismantle enemy soldiers in a matter of seconds. The dude should not be messed with.

Because I was super into the movie I immediately went looking for all of the different pops I could get my hands on. At the time I didn’t realize that the set was getting released in waves so when I bought all of the heroes I thought that was it. I have to admit I was sad that Yondu wasn’t going to be part of the set. Then, many months later I saw on this very website that another wave of characters was going to be released which just happened to include all of the villains or antagonists if you will. I got pretty darn excited when I saw Yondu and Ronan who were my two favorite characters that were not Guardians. I rushed out to GameStop the first week of release and picked up both characters for my collection and now they are perched on top of my dresser and I get to see them every day.
For the longest time Yondu was around normal retail price but that changed as soon as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was released. Following his story arc throughout the film Yondu became even more popular especially during his interactions with Rocket and Groot. He’s right around $30.00 for those interested in adding him to your collection. You should definitely check out our Facebook group for all of your Funko needs. Make sure to check out the trivia questions below for a chance to select next week’s featured pop.
Trivia: Welcome to the trivia section. Be the first to comment with the correct answers to both questions and you get to choose next week’s pop. This week’s questions will come from Guardians of the Galaxy.
Q1: Why did James Gunn decide not to let Michael Rooker wear a wig for the Mohawk?
Q2: Was Guardians of the Galaxy nominated for any Academy Awards? If so, how many?
I hope you enjoyed this week’s article. Please check back next week for a brand new Flashback Friday and as always Excelsior!
I Yondu and got excited thinking we were getting a GOTG 2 Yondu
I have this figure and most of the other guardian figures! While, I like this figure well enough, something always feels a little off with it. I think it is mostly the facial hair design. I also wish they had given him that awesome grin shown in the picture above. I wish there was a Volume Two Yondu, perhaps with the prototype head fin. Maybe there still will be later down the road.
Haha sorry to disappoint. I’m sure we’ll get one eventually. They already had one for the Dorbz line.