Welcome to Flashback Friday: The Marvel Cinematic Universe. In this series you’ll get a discussion and brief review on some of your favorite Pops from the MCU. Here, we really appreciate the shared universe so the figures will come from film, television, and streaming. Loki from the Thor: The Dark World set is this week’s choice for discussion.
Discussion: Thor: The Dark World was released in November of 2013 to a fairly decent box office opening weekend. Critic and fan reception wasn’t great so the box office legs were not very stellar. I think because of the way Loki was portrayed in Thor and Avengers he became a fan favorite of sorts. So in the Thor sequel he actually joins Thor in his search for Malekith looking to avenge a death. In the film, Loki joins the good guys so to speak and becomes a “hero”. Loki has become a massive fan favorite and because of that each set that gets released where Loki is featured he gets multiple Pops. The only sets he hasn’t had multiple Pops were Thor and Avengers. Starting with Thor: The Dark World the amount of Pops began to increase.

This set gives us two official Loki Pops and what seems like four more Loki except the tops of the boxes say Marvel instead of Thor: The Dark World. It’s very interesting because those four Pops make total sense to be a part of the set but since they don’t have the film logo on the box I don’t consider them to be a part of the MCU. So as of right now there are two Loki Pops in this set which include the one in this article and a similar one that’s a black and white exclusive which I’ll talk about in a future Flashback Friday.
Loki was released in 2013 which is the same year as the film. This is now a four year old Pop and when you get to Pops that are in that range there’s a chance they may get vaulted. Doing some research I found out that this particular Loki is vaulted which means Funko is not producing anymore of these Pops. Whatever the production run was is all that’s currently available. Perhaps somewhat surprisingly the price is very reasonable. Right now you can easily pick it up for less than $20.00. The average right now is right around $12.00 and I’d say if you’re interested in adding this to your collection get it now while it’s cheap. I don’t expect the price to stay this low for long and I’d guess it will probably start to increase as Thor: Ragnarok gets closer to release.
Check out our Facebook group right here if you’re interested in buying, selling, or trading your Pops. We have a great online community and if you’re looking for something specific one of our members probably have what you want.
Description/Review: Loki has slicked back long dark brown hair and black eyes. His clothing is very similar to the outfit from Avengers. The jacket and clothing underneath are a mix of black, gold, and green. Gold armor plates surround the forearms and wrists. A small dagger is clenched by his right hand which no doubt will be used to stab his brother in the back. An interesting observation is that the images of Loki on the outside of the box show no gold on his outfit while the actual Pop has gold spread throughout the outfit. I find this very odd and I wonder how it was missed. Either way, I really like this version of Loki and I think the design looks very close to what we see in the film. I’m looking forward to talk about the other version that’s an exclusive in the future.
What’s next? I think Loki has a large part to play in the upcoming two years within the MCU. His next confirmed appearance is Thor: Ragnarok which gets released in North American cinemas in November 2017. There are already Pops for that film which include one Loki so far. I expect as the release date gets closer we’ll have more Pops revealed including more Loki. After that, Loki is confirmed for Avengers: Infinity War so we’ll get more God of Mischief in 2018 and possibly beyond.
What are your thoughts on Loki? Sound off in the comments section below.
Would you like to see a specific Pop in a future article? Post your choice in the comments section and you just might see your favorite character “Pop” up in the coming weeks.
Check back next week for another MCU flashback. Excelsior!