Continuing coverage from Toy Fair (yes, there was a lot to cover), here is what Cryptozoic will be bringing to shelves (hopefully) this year.
NOTE: Some of what you see is concept or painted prototypes, so there is a chance that some of them might not make it to store shelves. Also, some were/are international exclusives. Where I know this information, I will make note.
DC Comics
One of the most popular collectible lines in 2016 was Cryptozoic’s DC Bombshells, both the vinyl statues and the “blind boxed” vinyl minis. For 2017, things are being amped up with a full second series of vinyls, plans for a third (which includes some of the guys), and some special edition vinyls.

In addition, Cryptozoic is planning on releasing a vinyl line for DC Super Hero Girls, which will come blind packaged in a locker.
As always, Cryptozoic is also putting out more beautiful resin statues, including new releases in the hand line and a new Batman: The Brave and the Bold statue.
A new quirky collectible will be coming out in Teekeez, which will be stackable.
With the first series of DC Mighty Meeples being very popular, expect to see more fromt he line, including a Hall of Doom boxed set and Superman Villains boxed set.
Last up for DC Comics, I saw this concept art last year… very happy to see this more as a concept product with the DC Comic Shoebox Collection.
Street Fighter
Taking a similar approach to the DC Bombshells… Cryptozoic will be coming out with some Street Fighter Knock-Outs and Lil Knock-Outs, featuring popular characters from the game franchise.

Mighty Meeples will also be seeing some Street Fighter love in 2017.
Red Sonja
For those of you who are fans of Red Sonja will be excited to know that Cryptozoic is shopping around some Bombshells-esque vinyls for the popular characters. Love the look.
Well, that’s all of my coverage from the Cryptozoic booth. Similar to last year, I am quite impressed what this small company is putting out, and look forward to seeing where they go this year.