Whether you realize it or not, you are familiar with the team from Super 7. For a while, they worked with Funko on the ReAction line of action figures, which they sold the rights of to Funko a few years ago. However, now that they own the rights to the line back, and have gained the rights from Mattel to make Masters of the Universe action figures, they are poised to make quite a showing this year. Let’s take a look at some of what they had on display at Toy Fair.

Masters of the Universe




Planet of the Apes

The Toxic Avenger



Lord Light


Iron Maiden


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By Travis Denman

Living in the NYC area, Travis has grown up loving a multitude of things, from Disney to Broadway to the fine arts... and beyond. You can find him rambling on from time to time on PopVinyls.com, DisKingdom, and VinylmationKingdom.com as Feature Editor. He also runs the Vinylmation Kingdom Custom Swaps and is the Press Reporter for such events like the NY Toy Fair and New York Comic Con. Additionally, he is also an amateur puppeteer, avid movie goer, and carries his camera around wherever he goes.

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