Welcome to Flashback Friday: The MCU. In this series you’ll get a review and discussion on some of your favorite Pops and Dorbz from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Here, we really appreciate the shared universe so the figures will come from film, television, and streaming.
Back in 2015 Marvel would give the fans their first taste of what a dark MCU property could be with Daredevil Season 1. The show debuted to rave reviews from fans and critics alike. It was only a matter of time until Funko received the license for the Netflix show. Within the first few months of 2016 we saw the brand new Daredevil set trickle into stores across the nation.
What makes this set very special is that it contains perhaps the greatest villain in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. The one and only Kingpin himself, Wilson Fisk. The performance is phenomenal, memorable, and very nuanced. The Wilson Fisk pop looks like it was pulled right out of the show.

Wilson Fisk is a very large man. The pop really accentuates his stature. The head is bald with menacing looking eyebrows. The eyes are painted black. Fisk wouldn’t be the same without a finely tailored suit. The jacket is a darker shade of blue with a hint of purple. There’s a black button up shirt underneath the jacket with a tie hanging from the neck which is the same color of the jacket. The wrist area of the sleeves feature the very important cufflinks that Fisk always wears. It’s a nice touch that he’s fidgeting with the cufflinks which is his signature in the show. It looks like there’s a black belt under his arms with a gold like buckle. The pants are the same blue and purplish color as the jacket and tie. The polished black shoes finish off this terrific piece. I think Funko did a fantastic job bringing the Wilson Fisk pop to life. Hopefully we’ll get another Fisk pop in the Season 2 set which comes out later this year.
For anyone interested in adding Wilson Fisk to their collection there is good news. I’ve seen Fisk at Hot Topic and Barnes and Noble towards the end of 2016. He shouldn’t be that difficult to track down. Another plus is that he’s normal retail price even after the months since his initial release. You should be able to find him for less than $10.00 in stores or online such as Amazon or eBay. Be sure to add it to your collection while you can. You never know when the price and availability could fluctuate.
What are your thoughts on the Kingpin of the MCU? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.
Check back next week for another MCU flashback. Excelsior!