We have all experienced that time when you saw a Pop once, waffled on buying it, and then once you finally did commit, the store no longer has it. You are left to either paying a ridiculous price on eBay for it, or simply wondering, what if as you look at the space on your shelf where that Pop could be sitting. I have no money, so I am in the latter category. Here is my list of the top 5 Pops that I kick myself for not pulling the trigger on.
Number 5: Unmasked Batman (Target Exclusive)
Really I have no excuse on this one. I actually bought this Target Exclusive. It was just sitting there lonely on the shelf and I bought it. Then I went home and felt guilty for spending the 9 bucks on that instead of bananas and coffee that I actually needed and went to buy. So what do I do, I went back to Target and returned it. Then, I never saw it again. I know what you are thinking; there are approximately 94 different Batman Varieties so what’s the big deal. The big deal is that it is now worth at least 40 bucks, with some people at the last Convention I attended selling it for as high as $65. Thankfully the sting has since gone away now that I have a Conan O’Brien Batman Pop. Otherwise I’d still be mad at myself.

Number 4: Ghost Rider
I remember walking into my local comic shop and seeing the Ghost Rider Pop. I saw that chain wielding flaming head look at me, begging me to take him home. What did I do you ask? I looked at it, picked it up, put it down, picked it up again, put it down again. Then my ADD kicked in, I saw a shiny light, and left the store empty handed. Now it mocks me through the internet at a cool $200 bucks. Luckily GameStop had the Ghost Rider Dorbz for $1.97 which really softened the blow, although no wink and cute face can truly replace that chance I had to own a Ghost Rider Pop.

Number 3: Ace Ventura
A classic movie from my very immature childhood. A classic movie that even had the Eagles in the Super Bowl! What better way to remember all the time spent watching that movie then to honor it with a spot on my shelf? I saw it on sale through a window at a local store. However, I did not go in there! I walked right on buy. 30 minutes later it was gone. Sometimes I wonder if it was actually there, or was it my mind playing tricks on me.

Number 2: Frankenberry
Nothing makes my belly as happy as for those two months the grocery store has sugary, artificially flavored cereal shaped as ghosts. Although I do get all three flavors, I consider myself a Frankenberry guy first. I can’t understand why I didn’t pull the trigger on this. I saw it on eBay for 12 bucks with 5 bucks shipping and I scoffed at the price like it was too pricy! Now the darn Pop is being sold for $140. I guess I will go drown my sorrows in strawberry flavored milk until I am able to Pre-Order the General Mills Dorbz 3 Pack from Toy Tokyo.

Number 1: SpongeBob/Plankton Ninja Turtles SDCC Combo
No, I never technically had a shot at buying this combo. I don’t even like SpongeBob or his crabby patties. What I do love and care about is Ninja Turtles. I am simply mad at myself that I didn’t see this until it was too late. Worst, part, my sister was at the SDCC when this was up for sale. I could have just given her money and I could have it in my hand. I failed as a TMNT Fan that day and I am still having trouble getting over it. Not enough to drop $119, but enough to cry a little inside.
![Spongebob Leonardo and Shredder Plankton [SDCC 2014]](https://popvinyls.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/tmntspongebob-300x147.png)