Hey Gamers! Finally I was able to find a week to dedicate to you guys! Been wanting to do a game line for a while and with the movie coming out, I figured I could do the World of Warcraft pops and the movie items for my dorbz article! Let’s get right in, shall we?
6. Arthas
One of the game’s great big bads, Arthas comes in last this week. I think his pop could have been given a little more flair if it had come out a little later in pop vinyl’s existence, but I still think it is a cool pop – just perhaps not as cool as the rest of this line
5. Thrall
Former warchief of the Horde, Thrall comes in fifth. I do like this pop though. It definitely cute-i-fies a big giant beast from the games very well. I like the coloring and weapon choices and am overall pretty happy with this pop. I think people connect a bit more with other characters in this line, though.
4. Sylvanas
My absolute favorite from this line, and one of my favorite pops altogether, Sylvanas is next. I’m sad to see her fall so low because I really love this pop. I can’t say enough about how cute it is and how nice the details are. In fact, seeing and buying this pop is what made me read up on World of Warcraft at all. Nevertheless, she comes in fourth. When reading her character bio, I have to say she sounds pretty darn cool. I mean, leader of the Forsaken faction of the undead? Sign me up to be a fan!
3. Deathwing
Based on comments alone, this super sized pop would be the clear winner. However, the polling results skewed elsewhere. Deathwing, the destroyer, is an epic pop. The detailing is incredible. One broken horn, textured wings, devilish grin, just so many great aspects stick out – and you guys think so too! Austin M. Decker wrote “Deathwing is a sweet looking pop.” Peter J. Engel wrote “Deathwing is badass so he has my vote.” I agree gentlemen.
2. Murloc
Once again, the cuteness factor prevails. Murloc, and the very numerous variants (my favorite being Murghoul) comes in at number two. I cannot deny that this pop is pretty adorable – and displaying a Murloc army would be friggin’ cool. I think that’s mostly why people love this pop so much – it’s a great collection!
1. Illidan
The self proclaimed Lord of Outland is number one! I think the character’s sheer coolness is enough to grab him this title. Then add his all black SDCC variant and #1 it is! I love the detailing on this pop too. The horns, weapon, hooves, and wings are outstanding. Funko did very well with this line and this pop is right at the top of them!
There we have it, folks. Some names called out when asked how Funko could expand the line were Gul’dan, and as said by Gabriele Nichols, “Murlocs, many more murlocs.”
Follow me on social media below for coming giveaways and to vote for next week’s theme: Finding Nemo & Dory! That brings us Nemo, Dory, Crush, Bruce, and Hank! And to Ben who commented last week suggesting Bob’s Burgers – I promise, very very soon! I love those ones too – just need to cover the big movie releases for the site and thanks for the suggestion, I would love to cover what you guys like most!!!
Youtube: Frank Foresta
Instagram: Klanked39