
Thursday Thursday! It’s almost the end of the week and that can only mean one thing… time to unwind and enjoy the weekend. AND it’s time for The Highlight… and I guess if you work weekends not that first thing, but you can still enjoy this and know I share your pain of working on the weekends. Anway! The Highlight is brought to you as always by yours truly Eddie from Eddie’s Toy Box or as some of you may know me @Esbjo_Figs over on Instagram. A link for all my stuff will be at the end of this column! So, this week over on Instagram I decided to do a theme week as I haven’t done one in awhile and they seem to be all the rage these days! So in anticipation for Suicide Squad I thought I’d do a collection of Squads from various other pop culture avenues. So the photo up top? That’s the Jedi Squad. Assemble your crew you should, about to throw down they are. Led by Yoda they look like they can do some serious damage! Let’s take a look at a few other squads!


“Assassin Squad Goals”

-Evie and Jacob Frye, Arno, Ezio, Altair, Edward Kenway, Connor, and Aveline from the Pop! Games Assassin Creed Series.-

Whenever you take a photo using multiple pops it becomes a real challenge to capture what you’re going for with the limitations that Instagram sets. Or rather used to set because now you can upload any size photo that you’d like it just gets condensed in the preview photo to their standards. However for this one I wanted to be able to use all the Pops featured and try to do more then just having them one behind the other in an arrow type layout. So, I positioned my camera on the ground and one by one placed the Assassin’s into the frame until I came up with this! Assassin’s Creed is one of my absolute favorite game series, and I’m pretty excited for the movie so this was easily one of my favorite photos to create especially for Squads week.


“Team Iron Squad!”

-Black Widow, Ironman (Collector Corps Excl), War Machine, and Black Panther from the Pop! Marvel Civil War Series. Vision from the Age of Ultron series, and Spiderman from the Amazing Spiderman series.-

Team Ironman back in the house! Now, I did a Team Cap photo the same day I posted this one, but this one just got more hits. Sorry Team Cap fans! You guys just didn’t turn out as big as Team Ironman’s players did! That may have something to do with ol Captain being a member of Hydra now which is something I don’t even want to start to get into. Talk about the betrayal huh!? You think you know a guy… so here is Team Ironman with some out dated Pops because I don’t have the new Spiderman yet, and they didn’t create a new Vision. On my Instagram feed they’ll be looking at the Team Cap photo, but how’s this for a squad!? Complete with the wise talking wall crawler and the newly crowned Cat King it doesn’t get much better than this!


“Ad Victoriam Squad!”

-Power Armor, Power Armor T-60 (HT Excl), Power Armor T-60, Unmasked Power Armor (GS Excl) from the Pop! Games Fallout and Fallout  4 Series. Power Armor Dorbz, and Power Armor Mystery Mini.-

Ad Victoriam brothers and sisters in arms! Elder Maxson requires your assistance in joining the Brotherhood of Steel! So here we have your comrades! We have some Pops represented, and some of Funko’s other lines with Dorbz and Mystery Minis. You don’t want to mess with this Squad. Yes I know I’m missing the unmasked male Power Armor. It keeps me up at night and gives me the cold sweats, but I’ll pull through it. I always do! My wife actually purchased the Dorbz for me. When she gave it to me she said “I thought you weren’t collecting these things.” and I said “I’m not, but I’ll put it with the dozen or so other ones I have.”. I feel like if I never say it out loud then it’s never going to be real! Ah denial.

And that’s all the time I have for you today guys! I hope you enjoyed this weeks column… if you’re reading it haha. You can find more Squad photos over on my Instagram page @Esbjo_Figs (Click Here!) and you can find more of my reviews on my Youtube Page Eddie’s Toy Box (Click Here!) while you’re at it may as well LIKE my Facebook Page Eddie’s Toy Box (Click Here!) and say hi to me over on the Funko Trading by PopVinyls.Com Group!


OH and one more thing! We like to be one big family around here and just as our friends here at PopVinyls.Com host giveaways with Entertainment Earth! I’m actually hosting one as well! So be sure to enter for your chance to win their latest exclusive the Crystal Anger Funko Pop! You can enter at any one of my Social media pages above multiple times, but act fast because the contest ends 6/16! Thanks everyone! Be kind to one another, have a great day… and Free the Pops! I’m out!

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