Earlier this month, we shared with you some of this month’s exclusives from Box Lunch Gifts. Yesterday over on Twitter, Funko released the glam shot for the Once Upon a Time Purple Metallic Regina.


I will say this: I am a fan of the show but am not fully caught up with this season. However, if this actual variant is from a scene in the show… I am not aware of it. Still, it’s a fun exclusive. Shame there are no Box Lunch stores around these parts.

What do you think of this exclusive? Will you be adding it to your collection? Let us know below.

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By Travis Denman

Living in the NYC area, Travis has grown up loving a multitude of things, from Disney to Broadway to the fine arts... and beyond. You can find him rambling on from time to time on PopVinyls.com, DisKingdom, and VinylmationKingdom.com as Feature Editor. He also runs the Vinylmation Kingdom Custom Swaps and is the Press Reporter for such events like the NY Toy Fair and New York Comic Con. Additionally, he is also an amateur puppeteer, avid movie goer, and carries his camera around wherever he goes.

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