
Hey everybody! The end of the week is drawing near… it’s Thursday and it’s time for the Highlight! Brought to you as always by yours truly Eddie, from Eddie’s Toy Box (On Youtube!) and @Esbjo_Figs (On Instagram!). I’m bringing you some Funko photo goodness today covering some Pops and Dorbz (I… don’t collect Dorbz.) and the focus is once more on Marvel’s Civil War because it’s so fresh in my mind and having seen it twice already I’d say it’s a pretty solid movie. I’m Team Ironman though… I know that may not be the cool thing to be especially since Captain America is celebrating his 75th year an all… but c’mon! Tony Stark is the man and he’s just misunderstood. Just trying to do what he feels right for him and his friends. Can’t fault a guy for that, right?! So, there’s my Team Ironman assembling up there with a limited edition can of Coke. Yea… Coke. I always thought Tony Stark would be a Pepsi kind of guy, but go figure! Let’s get on with the rest of the photos!



“Alright Cap so I’ll take the big tree thing and you can get the talking squirrel.. and the green lady can cheer our teams on because she’s a woman.”

Captain America and Ironman from the Pop! Marvel Civil War Series and Unmasked Starlord (Amazon.Com Exclusive), Groot, Rocket Raccoon, Gamora, and Drax from the Pop! Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy Series. Alright so the Marvel Cinematic Universe (or MCU) is all connected. You knew that. So what happens when the Guardians of the Galaxy show up to Earth and what if they showed up during the big Cap vs. Ironman brawl? Well… we go back to Elementary School rules and line them up and have the Team Captains pick who they want. Obviously that’s the way things are settled in a big fight. Elementary school rules. Always pegged Starlord for a Team Ironman kind of guy.




“Long Live the King.”

Black Panther from the Pop! Marvel Civil War Series. Seeing Black Panther in action finally was a great moment. I think the role he played in this was a definite scene stealer. Loved the acting, loved the suit, just was all in on the Black Panther once he was introduced. It made me love the Pop that much more. Factor in my lawn mower hadn’t been working at the time and the grass was getting out of control and I had myself my own Wakanda in the backyard. But heads up to the people out there waiting to mow your lawns. “I need the grass high for my Pops” isn’t a valid excuse… at least that’s what my wife says.



“Cause I’m gonna stand by you. Even if we’re breaking down. We can find a way to break through. Even if we can’t find Heaven I’ll walk through Hell with you. Buck, you’re not alone. Cause I’m gonna stand by you.”

Captain America and The Winter Soldier Dorbz. Alright. I have been hearing a song  a lot recently by the girl who sings that Fight Song… song. And it’s catchy and it makes it’s way into your brain and just sets up camp and lives there. So, hearing the chorus of the song and having seen Civil War twice already it made me think of the Bromance between Cap and Bucky. Cap isn’t going to let his friend go down without a fight. He’s going to be there till the end of the line even if it means losing others along the way. So the song makes for a perfect set up for the two long time best buds. It even makes even more sense to have them be the smiling Dorbz. I… don’t collect Dorbz. I just have a few that ya know I use… for picture purposes. Don’t judge me.

And that’s all the time I have for today! Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram at @Esbjo_Figs (Click here to do so!) and subscribe to my Youtube channel Eddie’s Toy Box (Click here to do so as well!) and I mentioned before I had to revamp my Facebook page, but no worries it’s also Eddie’s Toy Box and we’re going to be giving away some free stuff over there soon! So you’ll want to check it out… especially if you’re a fan of Captain Planet! Be sure to say hi over on the Facebook Group Funko Trading by PopVinyls.Com! You can find more of my pictures over there during the week as well. And as always be kind to one another, have a great day… and Free the Pops! I’m out!


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