When Funko introduced Dorbz, I knew this line had the potential to be a huge success for Funko. The first site owned by yours truly was dedicated to Vinylmations and those “cute” stylized figures were a major hit.  Now, Funko has its eye on an entire new group of collectors who love this adorable line.

Disney and Dorbz are a natural fit so it was with great excitement when Funko announced their release. Recently, Entertainment Earth sent over a box full of Dorbz for PopVinyls.com to give away to one of you! These giveaways end on May 9th, so you better do it soon. Keep reading to see how you can win one of two prize packs. One is of a chase! First, let’s check out  what we have.

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Alice in Wonderland is quite the popular Disney property and Disney has versions based on the animated and live action movie. If you want to win these, here’s your information below:

That’s a great giveaway but that’s not all! We also have an Ariel in her Pink Dress CHASE PIECE! One of the most exciting aspects of the Dorbz line is Funko re-introducing the concept of chase pieces. Funko was once heavy into chases earlier in the Pop hobby and it was one of my favorite things about the hobby. Now Dorbz are all in with chases. To win this chase Ariel, you must join our Dorbz Marketplace Facebook group. Once you join, Find the photo below and reply to show you that you want to win!

Both giveaways end on May 9th at midnight Eastern time. By entering this contest you agree to allow up to 12 weeks for delivery, accept the fate of packages getting lost, stolen or damaged (neither Entertainment Earth nor the host of the contest are responsible for replacement or compensation either in product or currency) and a correct, valid physical address must be provided (wrong address provided, unfortunately no shipment). This giveaway is only open for people in the US and Canada.

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By Matt Norris

Baltar is the publisher and editor-in-chief of PopVinyls.com . Pop Vinyls was founded in 2012 and has grown to be the largest independent news website devoted to covering Funko and other POPular vinyl toy companies.

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