In honor of how well Disney’s live-action The Jungle Book is doing, let’s discuss the pops from the Disney animated version of the story! I want to thank all of my participants because this poll has been the most voted on and commented on to date! Let’s dive right in.
*These pops were released as part of two different Disney series!
#5. Mowgli
The main protagonist of Rudyard Kipling’s story, the young boy raised by in the jungle, Mowgli, comes in at the bottom of this week’s list. Though the pop absolutely perfectly captures the character’s likeness, in comparison to all of the animals from the film, this pop got out-shadowed. But, it’s easy to come in #5 from 5 truly outstanding pops!
#4. King Louie
In at number four is the “I Wanna Be Like You” crooner, King Louie. An awesome character and pop, he just did not excite people as much as our top three. I think Funko did a fantastic job, I just think of all the characters in the movie, he is one of the least popular to start with – but everyone likes this design, they just don’t go as crazy for it.
#3. Shere Khan
Our middle of the pack rider, is Shere Khan this week. Another great pop design, he wasn’t as popular with pollers because of how villainous he is in the new movie, which is surprising because villains are usually hugely popular! Nevertheless, the next two designs really got everyone excited.
#2. Kaa
My personal favorite from the set, #2 this week is Kaa. Voiced by Scarlett Johanssen in the new movie, the character really stole those scenes. A hilariously evil villain, Kaa has always been an intriguing character, and everyone seemed to agree. The pop captures the likeness of this maniacal snake perfectly, with the eyes going crazy as well. Robert Tremaroli wrote that “Kaa looks the best.” Sara Profke declared that Kaa was her favorite “because of the eyes,” adding that she “loves it so much.”
#1. Baloo
Entering our winner’s hall of fame this week is Baloo. The loveable “Bare Necessities” bear won this poll by a landslide! It wasn’t even close. Not only does the pop perfectly represent the character, but he is beloved. He completely annihilated the competition here and with good reason. Herbert Estes said that “Baloo needs to be flocked or made into a ridiculous pop ride (floating down the river)!
There you have it, Baloo reigns supreme! When asked how Funko could expand the line, it was a unanimous consensus that one major thing is missing here: BAGHEERA. The loveable panther who watches over Mowgli needs to be made into a pop! Raven Storm Beard wrote “they need to make Bagheera!” Kait Wagner also echoed those sentiments. Jeff Harvester wrote, “there should be a Bagheera … and a tail on fire Shere Kahn.” Come on Funko, give us Bagheera! <3