In a world where the human race, unable to cope with the reality of the mutants existence, is filled with fear and uncertainty, a new monster is born. The Sentinels, a fleet of terrifyingly powerful robots built to find and destroy mutant kind, bring the mutants near extinction. Yet even they are no match for one mutant in particular, a survivor bent on self-preservation and the preservation of mutant kind: Magneto. Perhaps one of the most powerful mutants ever, Magneto sits proudly in this beautifully constructed statue, a newly fallen Sentinel foe serving as a throne.
The custom figure, created by Crown Customs, a Philippines-based team of toy collectors and customizers, is marvelously detailed, from the impeccably sculpted X-Men sigil at Magneto’s feet to the thinly stenciled writing on the back of the Sentinel’s hand. Inspired by a similar statue spotted by one of Crown Customs’ members, the team set to work creating a POPified version, starting from scratch with clay to create this incredibly detailed figure. While airbrushing was used to add color to the piece, all of the minute details, of which there are many, were painstakingly painted by hand.
As Magneto said himself, “I am no hero. I am merely a man who has seen and done and endured what can never be forgotten or forgiven.” Yet, regardless of any acts he has committed or that were committed against him, it’s safe to say he has definitely earned this particular seat.
Only twelve of these figures were created, and they’ve all been sold, but feel free to check out more work Crown Customs by visiting the following links:
Facebook: Crown Customs
Instagram: @crowncustomsPH