Recently, Entertainment Earth sent me this case to do a product review due to my love of Doctor Who and’s growing love of the Titans mystery boxes. First let’s check out the case and the box design.
I won’t spoil the case layout but I will now show you the box design so you can see the ratio for each figure. The Fantastic Series is based on the Ninth Doctor portrayed by Christopher Eccleston. Other figures are based on companions and other characters from the first season of the Doctor Who reboot.
As you can see from the boxes, some figures are rarer than the others. When you buy a case instead of just a few blind boxes, you definitely increase your chances at snagging a rare piece. Will I be so lucky? Okay let’s look at the figures I got from my case.
The regular Ninth Doctor and the Glowing Eyes Ninth Doctor both are 2/20 ratios so they are 2 of the “commons” that should be easy to find.
2 other sets of commons are Rose Tyler (with a key) and The Editor! Rose will obviously be quite popular so I’m glad she’s a common like the rest. (2/20)
Captain Jack Harkness is my all time favorite non-Doctor character in Doctor Who so I’m glad that we have a common version (the left and right) but even better is a variant Jack Harkness with a gun! This variant chaser has a ratio of 1:40 which means only 1 variant Jack per 2 cases is possible. I’m very happy with my luck but will it continue?
This picture shows a great collection of figures that might be in your box as well: (from left to right) Auton, Adam, Mickey, and Empty Child. Each of these have a ratio of 1:20 so rarer than the commons but not terribly hard to blind box.
The materializing Tardis is amazing and with a ratio of 2:20 should be easy to get. Although it is a common, I still expect this to end up as the most popular figure in the box outside of the super chasers.
I was so excited to see Cassandra as a part of this series and she has a 1:20 ratio. My other big surprise was getting the 1:40 chaser Dalek! What an awesome piece! Getting 2 out of the 4 chasers in this case was great. The other two chasers are of the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler pictured below:

The quality of the figures was very good and at a price of $199.99 per case or $9.99 per box, you will definitely get your money’s worth! Thankfully so because I have to get my hands on those two last variants! Check out Entertainment Earth for more Doctor Who and Titans related merchandise.