Dorbz have really grown on me over the past few months. Today’s Ghostbusters additions definitely are pushing me into full blown Dorbz-aholic mode. The 6″ StayPuft and Marshmallow splattered Ecto-1 with Egon. To preorder now, click the photos below!
Dorbz have really grown on me over the past few months. Today’s Ghostbusters additions definitely are pushing me into full blown Dorbz-aholic mode. The 6″ StayPuft and Marshmallow splattered Ecto-1 with Egon. To preorder now, click the photos below!
Baltar is the publisher and editor-in-chief of . Pop Vinyls was founded in 2012 and has grown to be the largest independent news website devoted to covering Funko and other POPular vinyl toy companies.