Friday! AMMIRGHT!? When I originally posted that photo above it was “Monday got me like”, but now it’s Friday got me like! Because we all feel like howling at the moon on Friday, right? Anyways this is Thursday Night Highlight but technically it’s coming to you on Friday morning because sometimes my brain can’t handle all the Funko madness and I forget or I slack and I apologize because you deserve better! I’m super excited for this weekend though because I’ll be attending RHODE ISLAND COMIC CON with a press badge! That’s amazeballs, right?! You guys want to see some Rhode Island Comic Con coverage?! Anyways this column is brought to you as always by Eddie from Eddie’s Toy Box (On Youtube! On Facebook!) and as some of you OG’s may know me as @Esbjo_Figs (On Instagram!) let’s get on with the rest of the photos… also check out my awesome luck for my Horror mystery mini unboxing here >
“I wanna be where the people are…”
Ariel from the Pop! Disney line. Well, like I mentioned last week I’ve started exploring to other places that aren’t my backyard to take some of these photos and this one was one of those! I love the way this came out. Ariel walking for the first time, leaving the water behind here and being where the people are. No longer trapped by what she was and ready to explore (like me!) and see what the world has to offer. It’s not all that great Ariel… might want to turn back around.
“Anybody care for a dip? Something to let the monsters out.”
Leviathan Castiel (Hot Topic Exclusive) From the Pop! Television line Supernatural Series! Well, any Supernatural fan is going to recognize right away what I was going for with this. Cas, being all occupied by Leviathan’s heads into the city’s water supply to let all of the voices out of his head. So, here is he ready to do that at the park though. We don’t drink from that water because then we’d look like the three eyed fish from the Simpsons, but the message is there.
“And I just can’t wait until next Halloween…”
Nightmare Before Christmas DORBZ from Vinyl Sugar! Alright so like mystery minis I’ve now been revealed to be a liar by Funko/Vinyl Sugar because I said I’d never buy these and well here we are and please save those judgmental head shakes because I really tried my hardest to avoid these. I really did! But you could put Jack Skellington’s face on a bed pan and I’d come up with a reason that I needed to own it. “Well… the bathroom is far away.” Well maybe the obsession isn’t that far, but still look how cute these are! I’ve put these little guys near the a Halloween decoration because they’re the perfect size for that. And if you want a closer look at these guys you can do so here >
And that’s all the time I have today! I hope you enjoyed these photos as much as I enjoyed creating them and I do hope you’ll look me up on Instagram for more that couldn’t fit here. Check us out on Youtube as well at Eddie’s Toy Box, and LIKE us on Facebook also… Eddie’s Toy Box! Thank you so much for your continued support! I’ll be on the Funko Trading by PopVinyls.Com Facebook page if ya need me! And as always be kind to one another, have a great day… and Free the Pops!