To be honest, if you told me this time last year that our friends at Titan Entertainment would have exploded their Titans line this much, I would have been skeptical. I mean, sure, they did wonders with lines such as Doctor Who and The Beatles- Yellow Submarine… but lines like Sherlock, Breaking Bad, Dragon Age, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Icons from classics like Ghostbusters, X-Files, Edward Scissorhands, and Aliens? Showing what they can do with Cartoon Network Powerhouses? However, within the past year, this company has proven to me that they are, indeed, able to deliver when it comes to quality and collectibility with some amazing products.
While here at New York Comic Con 2015, in addition to having a lot of current lines on sale at the booth, guests were able to look at prototypes for four upcoming lines of figures: Cartoon Network (well, Johnny Bravo, at least), Doctor Who- Fantastic! Collection, Edward Scissorhands Collection, and the first in what I hope to be more from The X-Files. In addition, the team from Titan came over from England to talk about what’s new and upcoming from the world of Titans. I met up with Matt Buss, Senior Merchandise Manager, who filled me in on some of the intel.
New Series
While some cannot be revealed, Matt did mention that they will be releasing a Mass Effect line (which we broke the news on last month), as well as a Hannibal collection, which was a new one for me. In addition, the ever popular Doctor Who series will be getting another round of Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor in Titan form, with more of his timeline’s sub-characters. Matt did mention that after that round, all of the current “companions” from the series relaunch will be represented, with the exception of Donna Noble.
New Body Molds
Matt did confirm that there are more “normal” body molds being made for upcoming series, including a female skirt mold debuting in the Hannibal series, and a few new molds coming in the Cartoon Network series. One of those new molds is on the Johnny Bravo mold, which was on display at the booth.
Continuation of Large Scale Figures
When we got to the subject of the larger scale figures (6.5″ and higher), Matt mentioned that the future of them are possible, but a lot less common. Between the introduction of the 4.5″ line and the cost of creating the larger pieces being a lot more money, sounded like they will be sticking to broadening the scope of the smaller series instead of making the same characters in even more multiple sizes.
Collections Delayed
Matt confirmed the the three sets that are up and coming (Doctor Who Fantastic!, Edward Scissorhands, and The X-Files) have been delayed. One of the major issues was the likeness factor of the Edward Scissorhands figures. Since they don’t have likeness rights for either Johnny Depp and Vincent Price, they had to get a generic likeness of the characters they portray in the movie without them looking like the character. Sounds hard? It was. They finally got the looks approved, but it delayed production. Expect all three of these sets out beginning part of 2016.
Of course there were NYCC exclusives! For 2015, Titan had on hand:
~ 3″ Translucent Slimer (Ghostbusters)
~ 3″ Sherlock and Watson Pyjamas 2pk (Sherlock)
~ 3″ Football Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who)
~ 4.5″ Time Crash Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
In addition, Titan had a couple of Aliens 2-pks, which were part of past Nerd Blocks, on hand for sale.

The gang from Titan sent me home with the lot of exclusives to review for the site. Expect them to be up next week.
Prototype Pics
Well, you saw Johnny Bravo already, but here are pics of the other prototypes on hand during NYCC 2015. Enjoy.
Doctor Who Fantastic!
Confirmed Chasers: Red Jacket Rose, Jacketless Capt. Jack, Prisoner Dalek, and Hologram Ninth Doctor (not shown)
The X-Files
Edward Scissorhands
What do you think of these new lines from Titan? What are you most excited about? Let us know.