Some great news for Doctor Who fans, as well as Sherlock and Ghostbusters fan, for this SDCC season. Today our friends over at The Nerdist released a first look at the Titans exclusives for the show. Let’s take a look.

3″ 10th Doctor in Fez (from “Day of the Doctor”) – $15
4.5″ 10th Doctor w/ Glasses and Tux – $20
3″ Sherlock in Priest Outfit- $15
3″ Angry Red Stay Puft- $15
In addition, Titans will also be previewing three of the 2015 collections at SDCC: Doctor Who’s “Rebel Time Lord” Collection, Sherlock’s “Baker Street” Collection, and Ghostbuster’s “Who You Gonna Call?” Collection. Figures from those blind boxed sets will run $15.
NOTE: The Barnes and Noble “Get Pop-Cultured” Event for 2015 announced that they will be carrying exclusives from Titans this year during the event, which runs from July 9th-12th. No idea if all or just some of these exclusives will be available in stores during the event. If we find out more information, we will let you know.
What do you think of these exclusives? Will you be collecting these? Let us know.