Who here is a Whovian? Do you know what TARDIS stands for? Do you have a debate with your friends on which version of the Doctor is the best? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you are probably as excited as I am about the release of the Funko Doctor Who merchandise.
One of the most anticipated lines coming in 2015, we first saw concept art and prototypes of this collection at Toy Fair this past February. This past week, some of the regular releases, as well as a few exclusives, have appeared at Hot Topics across the US, with more on the way. Let’s take a look at the collections.
Pop! Vinyls- Regular Release
NOTE: Hot Topic stores have an exclusive Pre-Release on the Pop! Vinyl regular releases. These will appear at other stores later on this summer.
Pop! Vinyls- Exclusives
Hot Topic: 3D Glasses Tenth, Fez Eleventh, & GITD Adipose

NOTE: There are possible an exclusive Twelfth Doctor and Weeping Angel exclusives for Hot Topic. An image was seen of Twelfth, but it could just be the box was mis-stickered. Basing the Weeping Angel exclusive off the above photo, but not confirmed at this time.
EB Games (Canada): Dalek Sec
There has been a rumor going around the EB Games in Canada has an exclusive Dalek Sec Pop! Vinyl up for pre-order at their stores. Presumably, since GameStop here in the US owns EB Games, we will be getting one as well. However, there has been no confirmation or glam shot released as such, so we are treating this as a rumor.
Pocket Pop! Keychains- Regular Release
NOTE: Hot Topic stores have an exclusive Pre-Release on the Pocket Pop! Keychain regular releases. These will appear at other stores later on this summer.
Pocket Pop! Keychains- Exclusives
Hot Topic: GITD Adipose

Wacky Wobblers (Coming Soon)

What do you think of the Doctor Who Funko collection? Which pieces will you be picking up? Let us know.