This morning, I had the privilege of attending my first event for the 2015 Toy Fair season. Each year, the guys from Mezco hold a special preview event for press about a week before Toy Fair in order to show off their yearly wares. It’s a small, intimate, and fun. This year had about a dozen or so members of the press in attendance, which was better than last year, when a snowstorm made it so I was one of three people who were there when the event started.
I won’t get into too many specifics today, as there really aren’t many. First will be pics from the preview event, and then I will go into a detailed look at the One:12 Batman, which i got to special some quality review time with.
Bugs Bunny 24″ Figure
Bugs Bunny was just announced earlier this week as a new property from Mezco. Right now there are no plans on more figure outside of this one. They are going to see how sales are of this figure, which looks amazing and is greatly detailed to look like our favorite “Wascally Wabbit”.
Gigantor 24″ Figure- Concept Art
Another just announced figure is the new Gigantor figure…. so newly announced that only the concept art of the figure was on display.
Mortal Kombat
The newest full line added to the Mezco lineup, it will include action figures of various sizes, Mini Mez-itz, plush, and bobbleheads.
Click on the thumbnail for larger pics.
Also coming in 2015 is the Beetlejuice line, which will have Mini Mez-itz, plush, and a stylized figure
Continuing the line of Mega Deluxe Scale figures, Tigera joins the ranks of the Thundercats Classic line.
Breaking Bad
In addition to having the current lineup displayed, Mezco had the newest 2015 additions available.
Sons of Anarchy
Along with the Breaking Bad Collection, on hand was the Sons of Anarchy Collection which included four new pieces for 2015. My favorite is the Gemma figure….. Peg Bundy custom anyone?
Mezco is ramping up their Chucky line with a lot of different incarnations of the demon doll.
Living Dead Dolls
On display for their popular Living Dead Dolls line were the lineup for Series 29: The Nameless Ones, a sneak peek at the upcoming series Oz, the delayed Creature from the Black Lagoon, a new Chucky doll, and the recently released Kiss of Death and Annabelle.
DC Mez-itz
New this year are a few Mini Mez-itz from the DC line. I love the look of the Batman Returns set.
One:12 Collective
Looking to be a big line in 2015, the One:12 Collective kicks off this year with the Batman: The Dark Knight Returns line, and then continues with Judge Dredd.

In addition, the catalog for this year’s Toy Fair teases upcoming licenses to this One:12 Collective line. Some really awesome properties are being represented.
One:12 Batman Review
After visiting the showroom, I got the change to have some time with one of the One:12 Batman figures. I will be honest, I was on the fence with this figure… until today. This figure is awesome. One of the most detailed, most accessorized, and realistic figures I have seen in a long time. From the real fabric outfit to the various ways you can pose him, I would consider this figure flawless. A must have for any Batman collector. Take a look at my unboxing.
Well, there you have it. It was a really fun Mezco event this year. if this is what i can expect next week at Toy Fair…. I am in for a real treat.
Stay tuned to and for numerous looks at fun things coming from Toy Fair in 2015.