While at Toy Fair last week, I have the opportunity to attend a special event put on by Universal, which highlighted the upcoming 2015 movies Minions and Jurassic World and the toys supporting them. It was a really nice event, held downtown at the Crosby Street Hotel.
The lobby was decked out in fun activities for families to do that were Minions-centric, including coloring activties, dessert bar, drinks and snacks, Mega Blocks building station, and photo op with the stars of Minions Kevin, Stuart, and Bob.
After groups of us were invited to watch the trailers to the two movies in 3D (complete with popcorn!), we were shown around the product show floor, where we were introduced to the new toys coming. First up were the toys from Minions.
To tie in with the movie, lines of action figures, interactive figures, Mega Blocks sets, board games, home decor and even Play Doh sets will be coming out.
Next up were the action figures, Hero Mashers, and Legos that are supporting the Jurassic World movie. There are some really great pieces coming out for this movie, especially the huge Indominous Rex.

At the end of the event, I was given a couple of the Minions Mega Blocks sets, pictured towards the beginning of this article, as a gift for attending the event. Later this week, I will review them to show you how fun these new Minions are. Mega Blocks is really stepping up their game. Banana.
Are you looking forward to these two movies? Planning on getting any of the toys? Let us know.